The Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR) is established with a view to maximize the number of qualified researchers and professionals in the domain of science & engineering, who will be equipped with the skills of innovation and interdisciplinary integration. AcSIR is envisaged to emerge as a world class institution of national importance. The AcSIR would impart course instructions and award degrees in frontier areas of science and technology. The Academy will use the infrastructure facilities, scientific manpower and other resources of CSIR for teaching and research. Taking advantage of CSIR's state of the art infrastructure and unique human resource, the AcSIR would work towards bridging the gap that exists today between academics and applications. The AcSIR would function on hub and spokes model. The hub would be located centrally, in Delhi - NCR region and the spokes would be campuses situated in 37 CSIR Laboratories. HRD Cell coordinates all the academic activities at CSIR-CIMAP related to the PhD programs and training. The major activities facilitated through HRD Cell include: Admissions of students to PhD Programmes (AcSIR), registration, assessments, preparation of academic calendar, constitution of Doctoral/Research Advisory Committees (DAC/RAC) and conductance of comprehensive examination, seminars and Pre-PhD presentations. Synopsis/thesis submission and conductance of PhD viva-voce Examinations for the award of doctoral degree. Maintenance of student records starting from their registration till completion of their tenure at CSIR-CIMAP. Short-term training (Internship) for postgraduate students from colleges/universities in various R&D Divisions. Act as a channel of communication between the faculty/students with AcSIR. Ph.D. programmes for the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) in CSIR-CIMAP offers Ph.D. in Biological Sciences and Chemical Sciences. Admission to AcSIR Ph.D. Programme is conducted twice in a year; once in January and once in August. 55 students had been awarded PhD under this programme since 2011 and 115 students are currently enrolled. Eligibility Criteria: Candidates with a master’s degree in Sciences and a National level fellowship (JRF/SRF) from any of the funding agencies (UGC, CSIR, DBT, DST etc.), which is tenable at CSIR-CIMAP, are eligible to apply. Project Assistants, Senior Research Fellows and CSIR Scientists are also eligible to apply, as per AcSIR Ordinance No. 4(5). How to Apply: Online application through the AcSIR website,