
Project Monitoring and Evaluation (PME)

The PME cell of CSIR-CIMAP is the nodal unit of the institute and acts as central control system for effective project monitoring, evaluation and budgeting of research & development projects. The unit coordinates between the Director and various research groups of the institution. It performs a major role in coordination between CSIR-CIMAP with CSIR-HQ and other research organisations including universities. Most of the institutional strategic meetings, formulation of research projects/plans, setting institutional goals and roadmap are facilitated by PME unit. The cell also carries out resource planning, prepare procurement plan, facilitates financial management, and bridges between international collaborative programmes. PME unit acts as central repository of the project documents, progress reports, fund receipt and utilization reports, and project completion reports. It does the monitoring/evaluation of the research and development projects for the committed deliverables in a time bound manner and progress of utilization of the project funds to meet the objectives. It acts as a key player in framing projects according to the financial plans of CSIR through transparent consultative process among the CSIR-CIMAP scientists and other interested appropriate network project partners. It enforces the CSIR guidelines for project monitoring and evaluation issued from time to time. The categories of the projects which are being managed by PME cell at institutional level include: Major Lab Projects (MLPs), Other Lab Projects (OLPs), Headquarter Controlled Projects (HCPs), Supra Institutional Project (SIP), Network Projects (NWPs), NMITLI (TLP), Projects for rural development, women empowerment and north east regions, Grant-in-Aid Projects (GAPs), Consultancy Projects (CNPs), Sponsored Projects, as well as projects under the categories of FBR/FTT/FTC/NCP and Mission Mode. The staff engaged in PME have substantial experience in the planning and management of institute’s R&D activities.

The major activities of the unit include:

  • Management of research and development projects.
  • Review of project performance and allocate financial resources to projects.
  • Maintaining important databases on projects, external cash flow and international collaborations.
  • Implementation R&D Module on ERP portal.
  • Interaction with various departments of Govt. of India.
  • Matters pertaining to formulation, approvals, co-ordination of inter-laboratory projects and co-ordination of technical services of the institution.
  • Assistance in audit of R&D projects.
  • Coordination under the Agro-Nutri-Biotech theme of CSIR.
  • Administration and management of the affairs and environs related to the project since start of the project till completion.
  • Manage timely inflow of budgetary resources required for project execution.
  • Assistance in preparing utilization certificates (UC/SEs).
  • Project related assistance in Public Financial Management System (PFMS).


Successfully providing the services to the institution for the past several years. Over 350 projects were successfully handled during past 10 years.


Dr. Vikrant Gupta

Coordinator & Chief Scientist

Dr. Sumya Pathak

Senior Scientist

Technical Staff

Mr. Amit Mohan

Senior Technical Officer (I)

Mr. Manish Arya

Technical Assistant

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